mandag 8. februar 2016

Let me work

There have been lots of interviews, application letters and CV translations during the past months.  It has been a really frustrating process with few outcomes. But that is how applying for jobs is like. You try and then when you don't get the job, you try again. That is normal and I am dealing with it. However, I have encountered many instances where I am not given an opportunity at a job because I have a kid. I have heard numerous times that I am not flexible enough and that I won't be able to meet their time requirements. Basically, I don't get the job because I am a mom.

I thought that in 2016 and specially in a country like Norway this would not be a problem. Did someone ask my husband if he'd be able to meet his work demands because he's a father? I doubt it. But then, why can't I be trusted to do the same? After all, I did finish my masters degree on time and got an excellent grade and barely complained. I am kidding, I complained a lot. But I did it! 

After the past few interviews i've been at, I decided I needed to write down my feelings. I am first of all saddened at the fact that I can't seem to get a relevant job. I understand that A) I am a foreigner and that makes the whole process longer, and B) I have little work experience in Norway and everything i've done in the past is not accounted for.  

But, I am a focused and hardworking person. I have a great husband that is also a devoted father and actually takes part in the parental responsibilities. Shocking, huh? We BOTH take turns taking Nico to day care and picking him up. We take turns staying at home when he's sick. It's not just me, the mom, who carries all the weight. I promise you, future employer, i'll make it to the 8 am shift, or stay after 4 pm. I am not limited to being a mother, I can be salesperson, a teacher, a journalist, a writer or a counselor if I want to. It should be up to me to be in time for work, and to be successful in whatever I pursue. If an employer thinks that I am not meeting their demands while at work, then they can decide to let me go.  But I really wish I could get a chance to prove myself instead of getting all these rejections because of my family situation.

Do I weigh out all the risks?

Of course I do! When I apply for a job I always think about how it will affect our routine, how far away I have to commute and how accessible it is by public transportation. Trust me, I wouldn't apply for a job that I couldn't do. If I agree to go to an interview it is because I have assessed all the positives and negatives that the job entails and I still deem it appropriate. 

Why don't I get hired?

I doubt that it's because I am not qualified to sell clothes, or to serve coffee. Is it because I am a mother? Is it because I am a woman? I really hope its just because they have another candidate that is more qualified, and not because they are still discriminating agains job seekers in 2016.

End of rant. Here are some pictures to lighten up this post.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.

  2. I just saw your post on IMABGO. You are not alone. In fact, I have been told quite directly during an interview that my being a new mother discouraged the ED of the organization to hire me because he didn't picture me meeting the travel commitments of the role. I talked about this with my fiance and I too brought up the fact that this is not a comment that is made to new fathers :/ Now I am trying a different route - applying for a PhD position. Anyhow, we should grab a coffee some time ;)
