fredag 16. oktober 2015

A new chapter

I am done being a student.  I got my degree in June and I am glad that's over. However, being a job seeker in a foreign country with an unstable market has not been an easy ride.  I started applying only for relevant jobs and have made my way into all sorts of jobs including yacht sales and bakeries! Not that it wouldn't be fun to do those jobs, but I just know that I would enjoy working so much more if I had the right position.

Anyway, Nico is now a two-year-old.  He is proficient in zero languages but understands everything we say to him in Spanish, English or Norwegian.  He does have a few words that he says which is the main reason I am writing this post.

Me and your dad wanted to remember those first words you learned and tell you about them when you are older.  Why? Because they are the randomest set of words you could have learned! You don't say mom, mamma or mami.  But you do call me puppy. Which also is the word you use for bubbles.

Pappa is the word you like to use the most because your dad gets you at night if you wake up and cuddles you back to sleep. I don't do that because then you don't let me put you down and we end up waking up for the day at 4 in the morning.

When we go for walks you like to find rocks and stones and hold them in your hands. When you find a big one you call it "stor stein" and it becomes your treasure. You can't say the word for "tree" but you like to point them out and give them a "kos" if they are near.  You really enjoy looking at dogs and you cuddle your own puppy whenever you see one you like.

At home your favorite word is puppy again.  But this time it means Bubble Guppies, your favorite cartoon. Pappa and I like watching it with you and then you ask us to play with your "atis", or cars. You LOVE cars, all colors shapes and sizes.  Your favorite one is  a red monster truck that we got you at Target to keep you entertained one night that we went out for dinner in Minneapolis.

Some other words include: "abu" for you grandma in Ecuador, "abebe" for your grandpa, "aguagua" for water and "pati" for pacifier. Most of the time you signal what you want and make yourself clear somehow. We are so amazed at how you know all the animals and colors when we ask you to point them out in books!

The best thing about you being two is that we get to play lots of different games.  We actually managed to play hide and seek just the other night and had lots of fun.  The worst is that you want to communicate with us and it gets frustrating when you can't speak.  I know you'll be able to really soon!

I am sorry I haven't updated your blog since forever ago, but after graduating we did restore an apartment, had your grandparents over and went to Minneapolis. I do however have lots of pictures in your album and i'll add some here for your abu and abebe to see.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Maria, I discovered your blog via raising trilingual kids group on facebook :) I just wanted to say I also have a trilingual who is 2,5yo and she is talking such a mixed up language that its not getting easier but rather harder by the time she gets more vocabulary :D But I still find it very good for the children, just keep on what you're doing, you will "pick the fruits" very soon ;)

    1. Hi! Thanks for your encouraging message :) Good luck with your little one, It's so much fun to hear their new vocabulary every day!
