mandag 14. desember 2015


Nico, big things are happening! You are still too little to understand, but this weekend, the Paris Agreement was adopted which aims at setting the limit for global warming at 1.5 degrees. This is something great for the agenda on sustainable development- something your mamma is passionate for. These changes are not just relevant to those interested in environmental issues, but everyone in the world. This will definitely affect our lives since I am hoping to get a job within development to support our family.  

As a reference to my previous post, no I haven't been able to get a job so far. I did spend a month volunteering for Regnskogfondet, the rainforest foundation in Norway. Did you know that your mom used to spend her summers volunteering in the rainforest in Ecuador? I guess its harder to find a conservation-related job in a country were projects are planned rather than executed. But I will keep applying. 

Why do I pursue this career? Firstly, look at where we live! The world is amazing and there is no way we should let it get destroyed. We are so lucky to wake up every morning to a beautiful sight of the Oslo fjord. 

Greenpeace Norway stated that despite the climate deal being approved, there is no guarantee that it alone will fix everything. Sustainable development still relies on individual action. Nico, this is something you'll hear a lot while growing up. I will try to teach you to be grateful of what you have and to take care of the world around you. Baby, this agreement will hopefully affect the way you grow up and let you have a bright future. Mommy is going to fight for that to happen. 

The question is, what can we do as individuals to make sure our actions count?Teaming up with different organizations is an option. In Norway it is easy to find different causes that work for justice, development and environmental conservation. As a family we are members of Fremtiden i våre hender, thanks to a nudge by a good friend. I encourage our Norwegian friends and family to become members too!

Making choices in our daily life that have strong repercussions in the long term is another way to do our part. I have chosen not to drive in Norway. It was an easy choice to take because it's so much easier to use public transportation here than in Ecuador. I made you an Advent calendar this year out of reused materials and exchanged toys. Along with some other international mothers in Oslo, we exchanged toys to give our kids for Christmas! You'll get some cool "new" things to play with and we are limiting our energy consumption and giving some loving to a forgotten toy. 

Finally, I am a recent volunteer for Greenpeace. This is why I will support their campaign regarding sending a message of determination to the world. We will keep fighting, we will continue working for a better future. Because, baby, I will not stop.

#ActionsForClimate #COP21

fredag 16. oktober 2015

A new chapter

I am done being a student.  I got my degree in June and I am glad that's over. However, being a job seeker in a foreign country with an unstable market has not been an easy ride.  I started applying only for relevant jobs and have made my way into all sorts of jobs including yacht sales and bakeries! Not that it wouldn't be fun to do those jobs, but I just know that I would enjoy working so much more if I had the right position.

Anyway, Nico is now a two-year-old.  He is proficient in zero languages but understands everything we say to him in Spanish, English or Norwegian.  He does have a few words that he says which is the main reason I am writing this post.

Me and your dad wanted to remember those first words you learned and tell you about them when you are older.  Why? Because they are the randomest set of words you could have learned! You don't say mom, mamma or mami.  But you do call me puppy. Which also is the word you use for bubbles.

Pappa is the word you like to use the most because your dad gets you at night if you wake up and cuddles you back to sleep. I don't do that because then you don't let me put you down and we end up waking up for the day at 4 in the morning.

When we go for walks you like to find rocks and stones and hold them in your hands. When you find a big one you call it "stor stein" and it becomes your treasure. You can't say the word for "tree" but you like to point them out and give them a "kos" if they are near.  You really enjoy looking at dogs and you cuddle your own puppy whenever you see one you like.

At home your favorite word is puppy again.  But this time it means Bubble Guppies, your favorite cartoon. Pappa and I like watching it with you and then you ask us to play with your "atis", or cars. You LOVE cars, all colors shapes and sizes.  Your favorite one is  a red monster truck that we got you at Target to keep you entertained one night that we went out for dinner in Minneapolis.

Some other words include: "abu" for you grandma in Ecuador, "abebe" for your grandpa, "aguagua" for water and "pati" for pacifier. Most of the time you signal what you want and make yourself clear somehow. We are so amazed at how you know all the animals and colors when we ask you to point them out in books!

The best thing about you being two is that we get to play lots of different games.  We actually managed to play hide and seek just the other night and had lots of fun.  The worst is that you want to communicate with us and it gets frustrating when you can't speak.  I know you'll be able to really soon!

I am sorry I haven't updated your blog since forever ago, but after graduating we did restore an apartment, had your grandparents over and went to Minneapolis. I do however have lots of pictures in your album and i'll add some here for your abu and abebe to see.

søndag 15. februar 2015

Valentine's Day photo shoot

After receiving comments from family and friends on how every picture of Nico shows him smiling and posing like a pro model, I decided to make this post to show the truth behind our mini photo sessions.  Taking a picture of an active 18 month old child is quite the challenge.  My phone is limited to blurry pictures of Nico.

I did manage to get this year's Valentine picture done and it turned out cute.  But now I want to share a little clip of how playful Nico was and you'll see that getting him to hold still for more than 3 seconds is pretty hard.


The final result:

Happy Valentine's Day 2015!

fredag 23. januar 2015

Holidays and long flights

Last year we managed to travel to Ecuador in one piece.  It was hard because Nico as so little that we couldn't keep him entertained with toys or anything. But he slept most of the time and he weighed half of what he does now.

This year we decided to go to Ecuador via New York and spend some days there to get to know the city a bit.  Me and Christian felt at home immediately when we landed in the U.S.  We both remembered when we lived in Minnesota and it makes us happy to go back.

Getting to know NY with a toddler is very different than if it had just been the two of us.  We didn't go to any Broadway shows or on long shopping sprees.  We got to enjoy the sun at Central Park and look at the animals in the zoo.  We played in the swings and followed squirrels through the gardens.

When we got to Quito we spent our time with family and friends.  It's always nice to be able to share Nico with my side of the family.  They mainly know him by pictures and emails.  This year Nico learned how to say "abu", which is what he called his ecuadorian grandparents.  

It ain't easy taking a picture of 5 children

Nico's favorite things about Ecuador were: mangos, jumping in the trampoline, swimming in the pool everyday and playing with his cousins (eventually)! We already miss Ecuador and we can't wait to go back next year.