tirsdag 19. august 2014

A d1nosaur party!

Nico turns 1 in 2 days! I am extremely proud of my little baby boy.  He has started kindergarden and loves it.  So far he only has 3 classmates that he plays with, so its a pretty small group.  They spend most of the day outdoors playing with sand and toys.  I pick him up early right after I am done with interviews, reading or whatever i've proposed to myself as a daily task.

This past weekend we had Nico's birthday party with friends and family.  We chose Dinosaurs as a theme because I love dinosaurs.  But also because we call Nico Nicosaurio or Babysaurio! So it was perfect. I spent a few days planning his first birthday, and here it is:

Hand made sign and onesie 

Marsipan dinos for the smash cake
Decorative dinos 

The cutest!

Muchos cakes! 

Nico wearing his onesie before it was destroyed

The next day we had fun playing with his gifts and trying on his clothes. After cleaning up the house and breaking a blender, we came back home and relaxed.  Everything was great and I can't wait to his second birthday party!

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