mandag 15. september 2014

A one year old

This past month we have been through lots of changes.  Nico started kindergarden, I started school again and a part-time job, the weather changed and we even got into a new schedule.  My little monkey boy is full of energy and only wants to walk, walk, walk.  We have already gone through one pair of shoes!

Life with a toddler is very different than life with a baby.  Strolls in the city have become rare.  Instead we take trips to the park or playground to let Nico run around and interact with other children and cuddle dogs.  We don't count on two naps a day to get things done anymore.  Nico sleeps once at kindergarden and that's it.  All house chores must get done while trying to prevent Nico from chewing the computer cords, eating potato skins or diving into the toilet.

Yet, life with a toddler is filled with laughs and love.  It is amazing how much it can mean to you that your baby runs into your arms when he sees you come home.  Or how wonderful those wet toddler kisses are.  It is unbelievable how much I have stopped caring of how I look in the mornings when I leave home because I spend all my hair and make-up time making puzzles with my bebe instead.

Since my parents seldom get to see Nico by Skype because of the time change and since it'll be a while until they see him in person, here are lots of pictures for them: